Welcome to my 365 Blog

In order to keep up with all I have going on in my life I'm combining this blog and my family blog. I will still make 1 post a day, every day. But I will use it to make a family journal/photo book at the end of November 2009 to document our year. It's just too confusing having 7 or 8 blogs to work on. Anyways, continue follow me at



Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 57

Here is Luke with Miss Merrill, the owner of his AWESOME preschool! He had his graduation today and was soooo cute singing and reciting the poems and such they had for the program. This school year has been so wonderful for Luke. They went on at LEAST one field trip a month, learned poems, had parties and did all sorts of other things! I was amazed at how much they fit into their short school time. Out of nowhere Luke would start singing a song that I knew I hadn't taught him, would tell me his phone number or even say, "Mom, I can tie my own shoes." WOW! I am really glad he had the opportunity to go to school. He's made some neat friends and is more confident socially than he was last fall. I love you so much Luke, GOOD JOB!
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